Podcast Nuggets Edition #10: Video Podcasting

Podcast Nuggets Edition #10: Video Podcasting
Podcast Nuggets Edition #10: Video Podcasting

We lead this Edition with the business case for Vodcasting, aka, Video Podcasting, including some eye-opening information on the explosive growth of this medium. Beyond video, the subtheme of what lies ahead, PREPARATION: how to prepare your guests, your studio environment, and the information you’ll need to attract listeners.

Bon appetit!

Two of the fastest highways on the “Marketing Autobahn” these days are web video and podcasting. Since the beginning of 2022 or so, the lanes from each road have converged. So, it’s not surprising that the names for these things have as well. Welcome to Vodcasting!

Marketing effectiveness (and efficiency) is all about resource leverage, and you get that by repurposing marketing assets. If you’re already recording branded podcast Episodes, or planning one, it’s easy to record the Episode in video as well in the same recording session. And the full video Episode can be repurposed into audiograms and video shorts for social media and other marketing vehicles.

Why add video?

  • You can expand your audience to those who prefer video to audio-only formats.
  • You can add visual elements to more comprehensively explain certain concepts.
  • It’s another way to diversify and enliven your content.

We talk more about this and the explosive growth of Vodcasting in our most recent blog post: Grow and Diversify Your Podcast With Vodcasting. We now offer video production and editing capabilities within our podcasting production services offerings. If you’d like to kick around some ideas on Vodcasting, just e-mail us at, or schedule a consult with us.

Guest Episode Preparation Checklist

Guests make or break podcasts. Episode preparation also makes or breaks podcasts. So prepare your guests! Make sure they’re able to think about questions, stories, and examples in advance, and they’re not fumbling with recording equipment and other logistics when they enter your session. Get Checklist

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What You Need for Your Episode Description

Your potential listeners will make a split-second decision to tune in based on your Episode Description. It needs to be succinct and understandable, yet intriguing enough to spark action. We cover the basics but also provide unique ideas you may not have thought of to make your Episode stand out.

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Studio Preparation: How To Prepare For Your Podcast Recording

So you’ve nailed your podcast concept and have lined up your first guest. How do you make your host and your guest(s) sound (and look!) great? This video steps you through best practices for soundproofing, microphone selection and usage, web-based recording setup, and for your video version, studio lighting. Watch and learn…

Studio Prep for Podcasting

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Podcast Nuggets Edition #10: Video Podcasting


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