
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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Amplifying Medical Expertise and Innovation Via Podcasting

Showcase your scientific breakthroughs and healthcare innovations through the potent medium of podcasting. Branded podcasts in the pharmaceutical and life sciences spheres offer a unique platform to share scientific discoveries and deepen engagement with patients, clinicians, specialists, and other stakeholders involved in delivering positive medical outcomes. Compared to traditional pharmaceutical communication vehicles, podcasting affords both Marketing and Medical Information the time and space demystify complex research through the power and emotion of storytelling.

Amplifying Medical Expertise and Innovation Via Podcasting
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The global audience size of medical podcast listeners is over 100 million.

The number of biopharma podcasts has increased by 200% since 2020.
Expected growth in the global biopharma market from 2023 to 2028 is $227 billion.
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical podcasting from a human perspective

Our Knowledge-Based Podcasting methodology is a listener-centric approach that combines the technical with the emotional through stories, case studies, examples, and when appropriate, data. Starting from a clear articulation of the organization’s business strategy, we help you tailor your communication to the right patient and clinical audiences, and then develop a compelling Podcast Series concept, culminating in a Creative Brief that contains a blueprint for each Podcast Episode. We provide the right sound environment and recording practices, and produce a comprehensive set of audio and visual assets for podcasting publication.

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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Segments served

Our podcasting strategy and production services address the need of a wide variety of pharmaceutical and life sciences organizations:

  • Biopharmaceuticals
  • Medical Devices
  • Clinical Research Organizations (CRO’s)
  • Contract Development and Manufacturing (CDMO’s)
  • Innovator Pharmaceuticals
  • Generic Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical Diagnostics/Testing
  • Neutraceuticals
  • Regenerative Medicine
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

What value can Marketing and Medical Information executives get from a pharmaceutical podcast?

When disseminating medical information in the pharmaceutical landscape, marketing and MI executives grapple with ensuring transparency, fostering trust, and elucidating complex scientific data to varied audiences. Yet traditional, text-based forms of marketing do not connect with patients and other key stakeholders at the emotional level, and these “short-burst” vehicles simply don’t allow the author to adequately convey key concepts.

Podcasting can address these challenges, but close attention must be paid to picking the priorities that are best aligned with the company’s strategy direction. Here are some choices for focusing podcasting potential:

Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Medical Thought Leadership and Branding

  • Showcase pharmaceutical and thought leadership and expertise.
  • Educate patients, clinicians and specialists using a more memorable medium.
  • Expand brand exposure to high profile medical experts and influencers.
  • For CROs and CDMOs, highlight research and technology capabilities.
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical Marketing

  • Humanize your brand and foster relatability via case studies.
  • Accelerate and diversify medical and scientific content.
  • Help close targeted accounts by using specific podcast Episodes as sales tools.
  • Broaden reach to global audience using multiple language podcasts.
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Internal Information Sharing

  • Share patient, clinical, and scientific best practices.
  • Improve internal understanding of decisions, policies, and practices.
  • Reinforce medical ethics, values and culture.
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences
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Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Podcast Topics

Pharmaceutical Podcasting Episodes That Both Educate and Humanize

We can guide you in picking topics for your Podcast Episodes. The objective is to strike the right balance between topics that showcase company medical technology with more general content focused on industry knowledge and stories that humanize your brand.

Some popular categories:

  • Drug Discovery/Development
  • Clinical Trials
  • Symptom Relief Advice
  • Biotech Innovations
  • Digital Health/Tech Integration
  • DEI in the Pharma Industry
  • Biotech Innovations
  • Patient Outcome Case Studies
  • Diagnostic Techniques
  • Medical Ethics
  • Future Trends/Predictions

Need examples of what pharma market leaders are doing with podcasting? Listen up...

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