I'm Josh Blood, Creative Director at ModPod, presenting my first video short, all about why you should include an RSS link as a subscription option on your podcast web site. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.
In driving traffic to your podcast website, you want people to quickly come in and subscribe to your show so that they never miss an episode. It's great to have an Apple Podcast link, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, etc., but many podcast listeners don't use any of those services for podcasts. I recommend that in addition to all these popular podcast players, you also include your RSS link. That way, power users can copy that URL and paste it into any app that they listen to podcasts in. For me, it's Pocket Casts on Android. Anyone that uses something other than what you currently offer as subscription options can easily paste in your RSS feed URL. Almost magically, your podcast appears and your listener can subscribe in their player or platform of choice.
So rather than offer limited subscription options, if you include the RSS feed, it lets any podcast power user copy that URL and paste it into any program, app, anything that they use to listen to podcasts, and they can subscribe with just a few clicks.
I'd love to hear your feedback about including an RSS link on your web site. What is your experience with RSS feeds? Let me know. Go to our YouTube channel and comment under this video.