Dan Nelson - 25 Years of Audio Excellence

Dan Nelson - 25 Years of Audio Excellence
Dan Nelson - 25 Years of Audio Excellence

It is my great pleasure to have the opportunity to gush about ModPod's Technical Director, Dan Nelson.

My first experience with Dan was in early 2018 while I interviewed for our sister company, Marketing Messages. I met Dan just outside the company's vocal booth where he asked me to take part in an exercise. First, I was to engineer a short recording session where Dan read numbers "1" through "3", multiple times, with various intonations - his voice rising, falling, or staying flat. Then Dan asked me to work with the recorded file in an audio editor. I selected from his different "takes" to edit a recording that resulted in Dan's voice counting from 1 to 3, naturally. As I worked, I verbalized my thought process. I think he appreciated knowing exactly how I was working through the exercise.

After completing Dan's audio project, he asked whether I owned a digital camera, and how I organized my photos. I told him how I make annual 30-45 minute videos of my son - each one a photo and video montage chronicling his life over the previous year. We started to connect on family matters, but what he really liked, professionally, was the way I described my photo and video organization. Photos and videos are organized in folders with the top level being, for example, the name of a person ("Roland"). Nested within that are folders with four digit years ("2011"). Nested within each year folder are folders for each date that I have content ("2011-01-11"). And within each date's folder are the actual photos and videos taken on that particular day. Dan questioned whether he was understanding me correctly. "You actually have folders for each year and each day of the year that you have content?" I think Dan saw the potential for me continuing the system of strong organization of the company's audio files.

Another notable connection with Dan during my interview: Both of us attended Emerson College in Boston. Even more profound: We both treasure our experiences at WERS 88.9 FM ("E-R-S" for Emerson) and spent a great deal of time there. Dan hosted the station's popular blues music show, Bluesology, which was block format, weeknights from 11pm - 2am. Dan also learned live music production at the college radio station, learning to mix bands of all genres that played in studio, live on the air.

Since his college days, Dan has built up a rich history of professional audio experience and work. He started at our aforementioned sister company, Marketing Messages, in 1998, editing audio and producing telephone voice prompts and Messages-On-Hold in multiple languages for multi-national companies. He followed in his wife's footsteps and became a Voice Artist, and built, from scratch, a professional recording booth in their home. He has recorded live music events, including the Boston Blues Festival for Blues Trust Productions at the world-famous Hatch Shell, and at other venues.

Dan is a dedicated parent. He volunteers at his children's schools and assists with their theatre departments. Dan has run sound at numerous musicals and plays, wrangling and programming up to 16 different wireless microphones worn by student performers. He served on the Board of Directors at his community arts group.

Dan takes all of his attention to detail, musical, audio, and recording experience, and strives for perfection as he works at ModPod as Technical Director, overseeing studio setups, working on the web site, editing podcast audio, and even co-hosting our video series and podcast called Show Me Your Setup.

Dan not only produces and performs in podcasts, but is also an avid podcast listener, especially enjoying DIY/maker content.

I'll close out this piece on another personal note, sharing some of the other cool things I've learned about working with Dan since 2018. Dan does not go near his computer after work hours. In his very scarce downtime, Dan enjoys making things in his wood shop, tinkering around the house, and swimming laps in his local pool. He enjoys cooking healthy meals and taking as many classes as possible at his gym, including spin and yoga.

While speaking to Dan's wife I learned something profound. She told me that Dan takes extremely good care of her and looks out for her above anyone else. To paraphrase, he treats her like a queen and always has her best interests in mind. Dan does everything for her and their children. We at ModPod are thrilled to work with such an experienced audio guy and a great family guy!

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