Audiograms Grab People's Attention

Audiograms Grab People's Attention
Audiograms Grab People's Attention

Audiograms grab peoples' attention back from deep dives into social media channels like Twitter, TikTok and Instagram. The short, visually compelling clip provides a teaser for your Podcast Episode and delivers value through creative re-use of existing audio.

Tweets with an audiogram tend to get more engagement than those without a visual soundbite.

Static pictures are commonplace in feeds while audiograms pop out at the scroller by automatically playing, and thus animating the feed. I know this tends to grab my attention when I’m scrolling at night, don’t you find it to be true as well? You can also include a link in the post that directs viewers to open the Episode directly.

We particularly like using them to reinforce the main points of any Episode. They are a nice way to really boil down a key concept to an essential, memorable blurb. For example, Josh and I were recording for Show Me Your Setup Episode 3 and this bit really seemed to summarize things nicely, so I’ve turned it into an audiogram.

“Recording your voice at home? Want it to sound professional? You could go all out, go to great expense and treat the room like you'd treat a recording studio or use this great hack we call a Record-in' Box.”

For more examples feel free to browse @gomodpod and @marketingmessages.

You’ve already recorded great content. You’ve refined the Episode through editing and other post-production techniques. Why not re-use the key essential moments to gain more market traction by adding short Audiograms to your most important social media feeds?

If you don’t have the time or know how to make your own, we can make them for you, just ask.

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Audiograms Grab People's Attention


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